Friday, December 21, 2012

12-21-12 Mayan Calendar - End of the World

The Mayan Calendar is saying the world will end today 12-21-12
Where are all the Zombies?
I haven't seen a single Zombie!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

When does The Walking Dead season 3 continue

I looks like Feb 10, 2012 the show will resume with Daryle & his brother Merel squaring off.  To learn more about The Walking Dead or to watch trailers, click on the link below.

Friday, December 14, 2012

I just purchased the web domain - Now I just need to create a webpage!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Walking Dead

Zombie found walking in Salt Lake City, Utah!
Like us on facebook @

Night of the Running Dead

This year Chels & I participated in the "Night of the Running Dead" 5K in Salt Lake City, Utah to benefit the Huntsman Cancer center.  We weren't in very good shape but ran it any way.
After the race we felt dead!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

CDC's Zombie Survival Guide

Believe it or not, the Center for Disease Control or CDC put out a guide this year telling you what to do in case of a Zombie Pandemic.  Click on the below link to download your own copy.

LIKE US ON FACE BOOK at...!/TheEnraged2013

Monday, October 22, 2012

Zombie attack!

This morning there was an attack on the city. 
Load you guns and pack your bags! 
It's time to head for the mountains!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012


This morning I finished writing my book.  I've written just over 70,000 words in about 4 months, getting up at 6:00 am every day to accomplish this.  My small problem is that I've written the book in script form and now I must read through the entire thing and change it to first person!  Easier said than done because the hero is separated from others in about 50% of the book.  I'd love any thoughts or ideas. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

50,000 Words!!!

I just cleared 50,000 words this morning!  On my way to 80,000.  If you have any thoughts on things a good Zombie book or any good book should include, I'd love to hear them now!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Night of the Running Dead sign up

A few of us just signed up for the Night of the Running Dead $5k as Zombie's.  Who's next???

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Join "The Enraged" for Night of the Running Dead

The Enraged and our fans will be participating in the NIGHT OF THE RUNNING DEAD.
This event takes place on the night of October 20th and is a 5k run for cancer and they will give you the option to run as a human or a Zombie.  We will all be dressed up as Zombies! I'm looking into getting us all "ENRAGED" t-shirt to run in.  Please contact me @ to be added to our list of participants. 

Follow us on facebook by Typing in The Enraged in the search box, clicking on the image of the girl holding a shotgun and then hitting like or follow our blog at

For more info on the race, click on the immage above and it will take you to the website.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Like "THE ENRAGED" on facebook

For the latest news on Zombie attacks, to see what the Walking Dead are up to or just to see how
the book is coming along, go to this link:

Or you can go to your facebook search box and Type in "The Enraged"
Look for the picture of the girl holding the shotgun and click on it.  Then when the pager opens, click the like button and you'll receive updates anytime there is news.

"The Enraged"

"The Enraged"

Zombie/Walking Dead book to be released in 2013

A Breathtaking story of a Beautiful but Tough Mom who is seperated from her family durring a huge out break & her struggle to find them.   The story is sure to make you laugh, cry & be afraid to turn the lights off at night!  Follow the progress of the book by going to FaceBook page "The Enraged" Click on the pict of the girl holding a Shot Gun & hit the "LIKE" Button!